DeWonder Travel Campaign

A campaign identity that aims to bring DeWonder Travel to the Singaporean Market.

DeWonder is a Hong Kong based Travel Agency specializing in cultural tours in countries such as North Korea, Tibet, Morocco and Greece. Recently, however, they have been looking to expand their reach to other countries, particularly in South East Asia. Therefore, they announced a case competition at Nanyang Business School, to find the answer to the question:

How can DeWonder penetrate and succeed in the Singaporean Travel Market?

In October, my team and I registered for the case competition, and placed 3rd out out of 34 entrants.




Graphic Design

Market Research

October 2024 (2 months)

Our proposed solution is the "Live Life on the Move" campaign.

My role as Graphic Designer and Video Producer was to create the material that would be used as advertising for our campaign. This included a campaign identity, billboards and advertisements, as well as a social media video.


Due to the existence of the already existing DeWonder brand, I wanted to create a color palate that was different, but still felt loyal and related to the original branding.

I made the typographic choice to lead with the striking Broaders font by Trustha Font Foundry. The bold and heavy weight give the campaign its bold feeling of adventure in a conservative Singaporean audience.


Wanting to bolster the sense of adventure, I use of topograophical patterns to create a sense of the outdoors and exploration.

This background is supported with visual shapes with sharp lines, and dynamic shapes to help create a sense of motion, giving the campaign its bold feeling of adventure.


- Market Research is non-negotiable. I initially jumped into designing without fully understanding our target audience, which led to a disconnect between the message my designs conveyed, and the message that we wanted to send to our audience. It was then back to the drawing board, and helped reinforce to my the importance of starting with a solid foundation of your audience. Only then can you start building the message that you want to send.

- The importance of different mediums! Effective marking relies on connecting with your targeted audience across various touchpoints, especially when it's tailored for them. Working across different mediums can go a long way with amplifying engagement and strengthens audience connections.